Monday, October 31, 2011

Emma Update

 Ok...sorry it's taken me so long, but here's the update on sweet baby Emma:

Emma has had both her aorta surgery AND her esophageal surgery. She's doing great! She's remained stable as a rock and has been affectionately referred to as a "little monster" by the nursing staff. I LOVE hearing that! 

Her esophagus repair has been tested, and it does have a small leak, but we're all hoping it 'seals as it heals'. She will be tested again this Wednesday.

She has a feeding tube to her stomach, an IV in her foot, a heart monitor, a chest drain line, and numerous wires that make the simple task of changing a diaper quite the accomplishment. BUT...she's getting stronger every day. Little by little, she has less medical equipment to deal with and more simple-- but special-- mommy and daddy time.

She is now in a "family room" at the children's hospital (still 3 hours from home), and her mommy and daddy get to live with her. They change her diapers, soothe her when she cries, and hold her every chance they get. They long for the day when they are able to scoop her up and rock her whenever they like...but for now, they take it one day at a time and cherish every snuggle session they are allowed.

Emma and her family have been on this roller coaster ride for 19 days. I can't imagine how difficult this has been for them. But they are staying positive, and they are absolutely full of gratitude.

If you'd like to help take some of the financial burden off this sweet family, you can purchase an Emma Rose bracelet. My friend, Heather, and I are making them in honor of Little Emma and donating all profit to her family. They are $10 each, and you can buy one here: Prayers for Emma Rose

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Emma. She's a tough little girl, made stronger by the love and prayers that have blanketed her throughout this journey.


~Kristin~ said...

I have been wondering about this little sweet pea!
Glad she is doing so well and can I just say...These pictures remind me so much of little Emmerson Grace.
Praying for her continued health!
Going to get me a new bracelet, now.
I am a bracelet girl and thrilled to help with their burden!
Good job, girlie friend!
I miss seeing ya!

Heather said...

Go Emma, go Emma!


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